

Taiwan-Vietnam Workshop on Mathematics

Taiwan-Vietnam Workshop on Mathematics

Taiwan-Vietnam Workshop on Mathematics
May 9-11, 2018, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

This workshop is organized jointly by Department of Applied Mathematics – National Sun Yat-sen University, Institute of Mathematics – Vietnam
Academy of Science and Technology, and Department of Mathematics – Hanoi Pedagogical University 2.

Coordinators: Prof. Phung Ho Hai, Prof. Nguyen Quang Huy, Prof. Li-Da Tong, Dr. Hoang Ngoc Tuan, Dr. Tran Minh Tuoc, Prof. Nguyen Dong Yen

Aims: Exchange new results and seek possibilities for cooperation in research and teaching.

  1. Algebra, Topology, and Geometry
    (TWN co-chair: Hao-Wei Huang, VNM co-chair: Nguyen Duy Tan)

    May 10 (Thursday)   Room SC4027

    09:00 Dr. Nguyen Bich Van (Institute of Mathematics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology)
    Some algebraic and geometric problems on the energy graph of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation
    09:30Dr. Le Anh Vinh (Vietnam Institute of Educational Sciences)
    Expanders in finite fields
    10:00 Dr. Nguyen Duy Tan (Institute of Mathematics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology)
    Zassenhaus filtration as intersections
    10:30 Pham Thanh Tam (Hanoi Pedagogical University 2)
    On the deformation of the Hitchin morphism for the higher dimension in positive characteristic
    11:00 Pham Lan Huong (Hanoi Pedagogical University 2)
    On the Diophantine equation $x^3+y^3+z^3=q$
    11:30 Do Van Kien (Hanoi Pedagogical University 2)
    Pseudo-Frobenius numbers versus defining ideals in numerical semigroup rings
    13:00 Pham Hong Nam (University of Sciences, Thai Nguyen University)
    On the length function of saturations of ideal powers
    13:30 Hao-Wei Huang(National Sun Yat-sen University)
    Harmonic analysis in bi-free probability theory

  2. Differentail Equations
    (Chair: Chun-Kong Law)

    May 09 (Wednesday)   Room SC4013

    14:00 Dr. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Oanh (Department of Mathematics and Informatics, College of Sciences)
    Reconstruction of the initial condition in parabolic equations
    14:30 Prof. Kung-Chien Wu  (Department of Mathematics, National Cheng Kung University)
    Solving Fokker-Planck equation pointwisely
    15:00 Prof. Hsin-Yuan Huang  (Department of Applied Mathematics, National Chiao Tung University)
    On the bubbling solution in the Liouville system

  3. Graph Theory and Combinatorics
    (TWN co-chair: Chin-Hung Lin, VNM co-chair: Phan Thi Ha Duong)

    May 09 (Wednesday)   Room SC4009-1

    14:00 Prof. Phan Thi Ha Duong(Institute of Mathematics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology)
    Rank of divisors on graphs and graph decomposition
    14:30 Dr. Le Chi Ngoc (Hanoi University of Science and Technology)
    Dominating Set in $P_5$-free Graph
    15:00 Thi Thu Huong Tran(Vietnamese-German University)
    Rank computing of divisors on the gluing of two complete graphs
    15:30 Dr. Le Chi Ngoc (Hanoi University of Science and Technology)
    Some Graph Theoretical Optimization Problems and Applications
    16:00 Jephian C.-H. Lin (National Sun Yat-sen University & University of Victoria)
    On the zero forcing process
    16:30 Albert Guan (National Sun Yat-sen University & National Taiwan University)
    An Improved Key-Agreement Protocol for Channels with Small Bit-Error Rate

  4. Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
    (Chair: Chieh-Sen Huang)

    May 10 (Thursday)   Room SC4009-1

    16:00 Tzon-Tzer Lu (National Sun Yat-sen University)
    Adomian Decomposition Method for First Order PDEs with Unprescribed Data
    16:30 Tsung-Lin Lee (National Sun Yat-sen University) 
    Rank-revealing, updating and downdating problems

  5. Optimization Theory
    (TWN co-chair: Ngai-Ching Wong, VNM co-chair: Nguyen Nang Tam)

    May 09 (Wednesday)   Room SC4009-1

    09:30 Nguyen Dong Yen (Institute of Mathematics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology)
    Affine variational inequalities on normed spaces
    10:00 Bui Ngoc Muoi (National Sun Yat-sen University)
    Local stability and local convergence of the basic trust-region method
    10:30 Nguyen Nang Tam (Hanoi Pedagogical University 2)
    On the existence of solutions for quadratic programs in banach spaces
    11:00 Tian-Ming Gao (高天明) (Zhejiang University)
    Metric regularity for an infinite system of convex inclusions
    11:30 Hong-Yi Chen (陳宏益) (National Sun Yat-sen University)
    Iterative algorithms for solving multiple split common fixed problem in Hilbert spaces

    May 09 (Wednesday)   Room SC4013

    15:30Vu Thi Huong (Graduate Training Center, Institute of Mathematics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology)
    Differentiability Properties of a Parametric Consumer Problem
    16:00 Dr. Tran Van Bang (Department of Mathematics, Hanoi Pedagogical University 2)
    Some results on the $\beta$-viscosity solutions of Dirichlet problem to Hamilton-Jacobi equations in Banach spaces
    16:30 Jong-Shenq Guo (郭忠勝) (Tamkang University)
    The sign of traveling wave speed in bistable dynamics

    May 10 (Thursday)   Room SC4009-1


    Dr. Nguyen Van Tuyen(Department of Mathematics, Hanoi Pedagogical University 2)
    Existence results for vector optimization problems
    09:30Duong Thi Viet An (Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Thai Nguyen University of Sciences)
    Differential stability of convex optimization problems with possibly empty solution sets
    10:00 Duong Thi Kim Huyen (Graduate Training Center, Institute of Mathematics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology)
    Sensitivity Analysis of a Stationary Point Set Map under Total Perturbations. Part 1: Lipschitzian Stability
    10:30 Chih-Sheng Chuang (莊智升) (National Chiayi University)
    Hybrid algorithms and convergence theorems for the split DC program
    11:00 Truong Xuan Duc Ha (Institute of Mathematics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology)
    A Hausdorff-type distance, a directional derivative of a set-valued map and applications in set optimization

  6. Probability Theory and Statistics
    (Chair: Mei-Hui Guo)

    May 10 (Thursday)   Room 4009-1

    14:00-14:50 Prof. George C. Tseng (Department of Biostatistics, University of Pittsburgh)
    Recent advances in omics data integration for disease subtype clustering and biomarker detection
    15:00 Prof. ShengLi Tzeng (National Sun Yat-sen University & National Chung Hsing University )
    Two Practical Issues in Functional Data Clustering

  7. Discussion and Problem
    (Chair: Li-Da Tong)

    May 11 (Friday)   Room 4009-1

    09:00-11:00 Discussion and Problem



非學術單位 餐點請自理!

邀請者: 2018/05/11
教室: 2018/05/09
題目: 106
單位: 115