



  1. This class contains the theorical and parallelly computational aspects of numerical analysis. We will be using MPI-2 on IBM SP SMP to develop the parallel code. Parallel computing platforms: This part of the class outlines parallel computing hardware. Topics covered include processor and memory architectures, SMP and message passing hardware, interconnection networks, network hardware, and evaluation metrics for architectures. Cost models for communication are also developed. Parallel Algorithms: Starting from design principles for parallel algorithms, this part develops parallel algorithms for a variety of problems. Various metrics for evaluating these algorithms are also discussed. Parallel Programming: Programming models and language support for programming parallel platforms is discussed in this part. Message passing using MPI, thread-based programming using POSIX threads, and directive-based programming using OpenMP will be discussed. We will also study parallel computing tools in data sciences.


Students shall familiar with the theorical and parallelly computational aspects of numerical analysis. And shall be able to use MPI-2 on IBM SP SMP to develop the parallel code.


  1. Using MPI-2: Advanced Features of the Message-Passing Interface. by William Gropp, Ewing Lusk, and Rajeev Thakur Published in 1999 by MIT Press